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How to know when your windows and doors need a change?

The purpose of having proper windows and doors has more to do than simply keeping them for their aesthetic appeal. Also, thanks to every changing weather patterns, they are subject to the harshest of weather conditions – rains, snow, summers and winters which also leads to high humidity and excess heating. All of these reasons and more begin to take a toll on your windows and doors, and that is when you know they need to be replaced. And this is where windows and doors company come in.

How do you know when exactly to replace your windows and doors?

Keep in mind that not all doors and windows need to be replaced at the same time. Since they all aren’t exposed to the same amount of elements, it is but obvious that they won’t require replacing at the same time. Windows which are more sheltered tend to last longer that those which are exposed to harsh climatic conditions throughout. Thus, check all your doors and windows, before making an informed decision. However, whenever you do, always hire a windows and doors company in Oshawa.


Some of the common problems to look out for, when thinking of replacing windows are –

  • If there are gaps or spaces that let in air and require sealing on a regular and doors company in oshawa
  • Window frames which are visibly damaged or worn out and look like they require a coat of paint might simply be due to harbouring of pests or termites and the like.
  • In case the opening and closing mechanism of the windows, then they need to be replaced.
  • In case you notice growth of mould, is rest assured that there is more growing inside. Mould tends to possess health risks, which is why you should have them replaced sooner than later.
  • Windows which have a single glass pane tend to a good amount of energy efficiency, and incase you intend on replacing them with windows and doors company in Oshawa be rest assured that you’ll get better insulation.
  • In the case of double-paned windows, if you notice accumilation of dirt and moisture know that they need to be changed.
  • Incase you notice a leak during snow and rainfall, immediately change your windows

Some common factors to consider when looking to replace doors are –

  • Although a coat of varnish or paint sometimes does the work, but you can keep doing that always. After a point of time, they will need to be replaced. When you notice your door loosing its sheen and become dull, change it
  • If you have to put in extra effort to open and shut your door, which is very unlike what it used to be before, maybe your door is crying out for help and needs a change.
  • If you notice your door not lining up properly and you observe a draft, change your door.
  • In case you notice any damage in the door jam, chances are that the frame is in bad shape.

These are some of the key factors to consider and look into, when thinking of changing your doors and windows. And remember that when you do, always consider choosing windows and doors company in Oshawa.

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